Jack Beck


About me:
I am a Data Engineering professional, currently employed as Data Engineering Consultant at DAS42. I aim to use the skills and knowledge I've obtained throughout my career and education to create meaningful value at my workplace.
MS Business Analytics - The Leeds School of Business
BS Business Administration - The Leeds School of Business

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Academic Analytics Projects

Car MPG Regression Analysis - R

Project Team:
Jack Beck, Jordan Waldroop, Dria Fabrizio

Predicting Phishing URL’s - Python

Project Team:
Jack Beck, Jordan Waldroop

Predicting Next Day Weather: Australia - Python

Project Team:
Jack Beck, Jordan Waldroop, Anuraag Hooda, Dria Fabrizio

Relational Databases Final Project - (SQL)

Project Team:
Jack Beck, Jordan Waldroop, Isaac Everitt, Salem Alqarzi, Cody Rogers